Minimum Number of Platforms Problem

Minimum Number of Platforms Problem

The Minimum Number of Platforms problem is a classic scheduling problem in computer science and mathematics. It involves determining the minimum number of platforms required at a train station or an airport to accommodate a given set of arrival and departure times of trains or flights.

The problem can be stated as follows: Given two lists of arrival and departure times of trains or flights, find the minimum number of platforms needed to ensure that no two trains or flights arrive or depart at the same time from the station or airport.

Here's a general approach to solving the Minimum Number of Platforms problem:

Sort the lists of arrival and departure times in ascending order.

Initialize two pointers, one for the arrival times and one for the departure times, both starting at the beginning of their respective lists.

Initialize a variable to keep track of the maximum number of platforms needed.

Initialize a variable to keep track of the current number of platforms needed, initially set to 0.

Iterate through the sorted lists:

If the current arrival time is less than or equal to the current departure time, it means a new train or flight has arrived, so increment the current number of platforms needed.

If the current departure time is less than the current arrival time, it means a train or flight has departed, so decrement the current number of platforms needed.

Update the maximum number of platforms needed if the current number of platforms is greater than the previous maximum.

Move the pointers to the next arrival or departure time.

Return the maximum number of platforms needed.

This algorithm works because whenever a new train or flight arrives before a previous departure, it indicates that an additional platform is required to accommodate the new arrival. By keeping track of the maximum number of platforms needed at any given time, we can find the minimum number of platforms required overall.

The time complexity of this approach is O(n log n), where n is the total number of arrivals and departures. The sorting step accounts for the log n factor, and the iteration through the sorted lists takes linear time.

Certainly! The Minimum Number of Platforms problem is often encountered in the context of scheduling transportation systems, such as train stations or airports, where it is essential to determine the minimum number of platforms needed to handle the arrival and departure of trains or flights without any conflicts.

The problem is considered important in optimizing the utilization of resources, as it helps minimize congestion and delays by ensuring that there are enough platforms available to handle the incoming and outgoing vehicles.

Here's a more detailed step-by-step explanation of the algorithm to solve the Minimum Number of Platforms problem:

Start by sorting the lists of arrival and departure times in ascending order. This sorting step is crucial because it allows us to process the events in a chronological order.

Initialize two pointers, one for the arrival times and one for the departure times, both starting at the beginning of their respective sorted lists.

Create two variables: maxPlatforms to keep track of the maximum number of platforms needed at any given time, and currentPlatforms to keep track of the number of platforms currently in use. Both are initially set to 0.

Iterate through the sorted lists using the pointers:

Compare the current arrival time with the current departure time.

If the current arrival time is less than or equal to the current departure time, it means a new train or flight has arrived. Increment currentPlatforms to account for the new arrival.

If the current departure time is less than the current arrival time, it means a train or flight has departed. Decrement currentPlatforms to indicate that a platform has become available.

During the iteration, keep track of the maximum value of currentPlatforms encountered. If currentPlatforms exceeds maxPlatforms, update maxPlatforms accordingly.

Move the pointers to the next arrival or departure time and continue the iteration until both lists are completely processed.

After processing all the events, return the value of maxPlatforms, which represents the minimum number of platforms required to accommodate the given schedule of arrivals and departures without conflicts.

The algorithm works by scanning through the sorted lists of arrival and departure times and incrementing or decrementing the number of platforms based on the order of events. Whenever a new arrival occurs before a previous departure, it indicates that an additional platform is required to avoid conflicts. By tracking the maximum number of platforms needed at any time, we can determine the minimum number of platforms overall.

It's important to note that the sorting step is necessary to ensure that the events are processed in chronological order. Without sorting, the algorithm may produce incorrect results.

The time complexity of this approach is O(n log n) due to the initial sorting step. The subsequent iteration through the sorted lists takes linear time, making the overall complexity dominated by the sorting operation.

Input and Output

Lists of arrival time and departure time.
Arrival: {900, 940, 950, 1100, 1500, 1800}
Departure: {910, 1200, 1120, 1130, 1900, 2000}
Minimum Number of Platforms Required: 3

The time complexity of this problem is O(n Log n).

In computational complexity theory, the time complexity of an algorithm is a measure of the amount of time it takes to run as a function of the input size. The notation O(n log n) represents an upper bound on the time complexity, indicating that the algorithm's running time grows at most logarithmically with respect to the input size.

In the context of your statement, if you claim that the time complexity of a specific problem is O(n log n), it means that there exists an algorithm to solve that problem with a time complexity that scales no faster than n log n. This implies that as the input size increases, the running time of the algorithm increases at a rate that is proportional to n log n.

However, without knowing the specific problem you're referring to, it's challenging to provide further insight or validate the accuracy of the time complexity analysis. The time complexity of a problem depends on various factors, such as the algorithmic approach used and the specific characteristics of the problem itself.